
Current Research in Egyptology (CRE) Attendance Survey

As many of you, I have filled a form sent by the CRE Permanent Committee crepermanentcommittee@gmail.c om , via the EEF List. As some of you, I have been to more than one CRE in the past, and enjoyed filling out this form. The opportunity to share my ideas on how the future CRE meetings can be further improved is welcome. At the main website of CRE - - you may see where the meetings have been happening throughout the past years (started in the UK, and then spread to the rest of Wester Europe).  Listing my ideas to improve the already excellent opportunity that is this annual meeting: 1 - adding one day to the meeting - The D-Day By adding one day to the meeting for discussion, the organizers may open a window of possibilities for researchers, students and scholars to intertwine their intellectual and material productions. All presentations, poster information and revealed research in scholars' lectures have a space for questions. But this space is very